Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Coytt's First Birthday

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Coytt had his first birthday on Sunday the 14th. Meagan and Josh blessed Brooklyn that day so we had the party out at their house since everyone was there already. We decorated the house with Coytt's favorite cartoon character "Go Diego Go", and Mark made a Rescue Pack Cake. We had a lot of fun and Coytt did pretty well opening the presents, he even got to where he would hold them up to show everyone like I was doing in the beginning. He got lots of toys and clothes, but the best part was having all the family there to share this special day with us. We have enjoyed this first year; it has been full of joy, suprises, ups, and downs, we love being parens. Coytt is growing up so quickly, I remember cudding up with him in the recliner and going to sleep. He has such a great, happy little personality that makes mommy and daddy laugh all the time. We are so thankful for such a good son, and are excited to see what this year will bring.


Heidi Joncas said...

I know you have no idea who I am, but this is such a small world. You are on our friends Brandon and Brooks links so I clicked on it and in your links you have Chris and Bailey.
I don't know them, but I am good friends with one of Bailey's friends Taytum. I know this is a random chain of thought, but these blogs make the world seem so small.

taytum said...

I can't believe how big your baby is! Last year when Trevor and I first got married we were in your parents ward, and you were living w/ them, and that little tiny bundle was passed up and down between all the rothlisbergers! He is so cute. Time flies, way to fast!