Friday, February 16, 2007


Well yesterday's post was a little depressing and scary :) I still want some suggestions from everyone else, but for now I have found the three things to fix my mommy blues 1) A good book in a bath 2) a good cry 3) blasting Shania Twain through the house :) My mood today is much better as I look at all the good things I am blessed with. Hey at least I have a home to clean right, some people don't even have that. I have a beautiful baby boy who loves me and is healthy, smart, and all around a great kid. I have a great family and friends!! My husband loves me and helps out around the house more than some husbands. I just need to look at all the positive and get over the rest. Well I gotta go, Coytt wants to dance with his mommy :)

1 comment:

Bailey said...

You're so funny Monette! But it's true!