Thursday, August 16, 2007

My Man

My Man

1. Who is your man? Mark
2. How long have you been together? Almost 6 years
3. Dating/Engaged/Married? Just passed the 5 year mark of marriage
4. How old is your man? 33

You or your man?

1. Who eats more? I do
2. Who said "I love you" first? I think we both just said it at the same time, I am not really sure actually
3. Who weighs more? I do, but the fact that I am 8 months prego hopefully has something to do with that.
4. Who sings better? Sing? We can't sing, I am louder, but he is better.
5. Who's Older? Mark
6. Who's smarter? Depends on the subject
7. Who's temper is worse? Mark
8. Who does the laundry? Mark mostly, but I am slowly catching up
9. Who does the dishes? It is about even, he is a great help around the house
10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Mark, I used to until I got to fat to lay on my left side and not have room to hang off the side of the bed.
11. Who's feet are bigger? We wear the same size shoe
12. Who's hair is longer? Mine
13. Who's better with the computer? I am better with software, Mark with hardware
14. Who mows the lawn? we don't have one
15. Who pays the bills? Me
16. Who cooks dinner? It is pretty even, Mark is a great cook especially his Carne Asada and corn and rice, and chicken, and well just everything he makes is wonderful
17. Who drives when you are together? Mark unless we are on a long trip and then we take turns
18. Who pays when you go out to dinner? Mark, but it is the same account so I guess both of us, we just use his card.
19. Who's the most stubborn? Of course it is me, but he is pretty darn close
20. Who is the first one to admit when they're wrong? I am
21. Who's parents do you see more? Mine, we wish we could see both more often though
22. Who named your dog? When we had one I did, but we don't have one
23. Who kissed who first? He told me he wasn't going to kiss me until I told him I was ready, and so I just layed one on him!
24. Who asked who out? Mark asked me to marry him the first night we met, but we decided to date a little while first
25. What did you do? We wen out to dinner at a Mexican Restaurant, Mark laughed at me becuase I couldn't walk in high heels (I was trying so hard to impress him)
26. Who's more sensitive? I definately am
27. Who's taller? Mark
28. Who has more friends? we both have the same amount
29. Who has more siblings? Definately me
30. Who wears the pants in the relationship? I let Mark borrow them :) haha Mark of course wears them, but I pretend I am the boss.


Creative Corner said...

That is so cute. Can I tell you that I love your husband! If you need more info on the vinyl let me know!

*Katie May* said...

That was fun