Tuesday, November 28, 2006

New Traditions


Dallas is trying out for the part of the dog in the movie "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas"

Helping Mommy

Where does it go Daddy?

Aren't we adorable?!

Merry Christmas Baby!!!

The finished product

Since this is our first Christmas together Mark and I decided to start some holiday traditions. The first is the decision to make the Monday after Thanksgiving the night that we buy our Christmas tree and decorate it. So last night we bought a tree and began our first official family tradition. To the purchasing of the tree we decided to add wearing Santa hats, drinking hot apple cider, and choosing a name off the tree in Walmart that has gifts for children that have been abused and/or neglected. We had a wonderful evening. We listned to Christmas music and took lots of pictures. Coytt watched from his highchair and suprisingly hasn't torn the tree down yet :) This is a very special year for us not only is it our first Christmas together, but we have a beautiful, healthy, happy little boy to share it with as well. Merry Christmas Ya'll!


Bailey said...

Looks good! Gives me some 'new tradition" ideas! thanks!

Josh n' Meagan said...

I wouldn't have thought to use a planter like that...it turned out nice. I knew you would break down and do a tree!

Mark, Monette, Coytt and Dalon said...

Mark thought of the planter. I like it too. It saved us from having to buy a tree stand :)

Mallory said...

Wow, jeese...umm...I uhh, I hope Dallas gets the part, that's great. that's..., that's fantastic. ;)

I hope you read that in your best Family Guy voice haha jk. Your tree is cute!

Rya said...

That's so great! It looks like you are all doing well and are happy. I love the pictures of Coytt. I can't believe how much he has grown.