Friday, March 02, 2007

Today's Cravings

So today I am sitting on the couch (9am) and I get this strong desire that I need potato chips and onion dip. Not the fake onion dip either, the real stuff with sour cream and the powder mix. So I curled up on the couch with a giant bowl of dip and a bag of chips and watched an old Women's Conferene talk on BYU TV. The message was great, Sister Sheri Dew talked about who we are and who we have always been and by we I mean women. She testified of the truthfulness that we are indeed Daughters of our Heavenly Father, and that we have always been of this noble birthright, and that because we have always been this we have to potential to become as our Heavenly Father. It was such a touching talk. I have been asking Heavenly Father to remind me of my divine worth...lately it seems I need this reminder as life gets so crazy. Anyway in church on Sunday a gentleman gave a talk on self worth and the fact that we are children of God, and should view ourselves of great worth for that sole purpose. And then today this talk helped to strengthen my testimony to the trufulness of something we sing and talk about every Sunday "I am a Child of God, and HE has Sent me Here" Also it reasures me that I was chosen to come to this earth as not only a daughter of God, but as a mother of his children here on earth. I was chosen before I came to this earth and so were all of you other mothers out there. I am sure that I am not the only one that looks at my son and is brought to tears thinking that not so long ago he was with his Heavenly Father and Brother Jesus Christ. I wonder what stories he would tell me of them if he could talk. It makes me want to strive harder each day to live up to this divine potential, and it gives me strength knowing that if my Father in Heaven believes I can do it then somewhere inside I must have what it takes to be a mother to these precious spirits that have been saved for these the hardest and most sin filled Latter Days. I pray with all my heart that he gives me the tools, strength, and patience to grow with my children and "Lead them, Guide them, and Walk beside them, to Help them Find the Way." I hope I can "Teach them all that they must Do, to live with Him someday."

1 comment:

Jamielynn said...

Hey Monette...great to see you on here. I love your cute little family. You seem so happy. Congrats about the pregnancy. You will have to let me know what you are having.