Monday, May 14, 2007

I've Been Tagged

Meagan tagged me here's how it works, write 7 things/habits about yourself and then tag 7 other people and refer them to your blog for instructions.

1) I love to dance, any kind of dancing. I always say I am going to enroll in classes and I never do, but hopefully after this baby that will be how I lose the classes. I am sure I will embarrass my children plenty when I dance around the store when a good song comes on, or as I dance around the living room even if their friends are around. It is just such a wonderful and free feeling.

2) I have a new found love for the gospel and want to have as gospel centered home and life as possible. I never thought I would feel this way or have the priorities that I do now, but I want to be as close to my Heavenly Father as possible. Although I am afraid sometimes that I will never be as spiritual as I desire, I am working hard at becoming more so every day.

3) I love beans and salsa. I could eat beans every day for the rest of my life and I would be happy. Pinto beans are my favorite followed by refried pinto beans. I will eat black beans, but pinto are my fav. I have been known to eat a whole jar of salsa in one sitting, once I start I just can't stop.

4) I love being a mother. I never thought that I would be such a sofite or such a cry baby, but being a mom has totally changed me. Every new thing he learns every challenge he overcomes brings me to tears because I am so pleased with him. I love playing with my son and singing to him. Even when he upsets me and I feel I am stressed beyond belief I love being his mom, and I know that no matter what I will always love him.

5) I am the most disorganized person you will ever meet. No matter how hard I try things just always seem disorganized and chaotic around me. It drives my husband bonkers, but it is just something that has always been a part of me, and even when I try it is a chaotic mess. I wish I had Mark's or Meagan's skills in this department, but I was definately not blessed with the skill of organization.

6) I love being spontaneous. If Mark said at 2am Saturday morning lets go to Vegas and visit your Grandpa Romine I would have no problem jumping in the car and going. I love to just let things happen. I am sure this adds to my disorganization, but I just love the feeling of doing things on the fly. It doesn't have to be that extreme either. Even not planning the weekend and letting it all just happen is exciting to me.

7) I love to snuggle. I don't mind when Mark, Coytt and I are all smashed together on the love seat, or the nights when Mark and I had to share a twin bed. I love being snuggled and snuggling back. I am glad my husband doesn't go completely crazy when I sit on the same cussion as him and just snuggle right up against him all the time.

Well that's about it 7 interesting or not so interesting facts about Monette Corralez.

1 comment:

Amy D. Hall Riter said...

Hey there, Monette! Wow, it has been quite a while since I last saw you. I have to admit that I was snoopy and just checked out your blog. Your little boy is precious. I LOVE his hair! Congratulations on your new baby! Can I add you to my link list?