I planted some chilis and tomatoes in pots on our patio and my first chili has started to grow. I am so excited. I am waiting for the tomatoes, Meagan already has some red ones on hers, so I need to catch up. I was so proud at Relief Society last week when they asked who had veggies growing at their home and I got to raise my hand...I am a true Mormon woman now :)
Too Cool isn't he?
We went to the park with Josh and Meagan. The wind was out of control, but we still had a lot of fun. I never knew there was such thing as too much wind for a kite. We had Mark's F-16 kite and it was an adventure to keep that thing in the air. We would get it up and then it would spin out of control and take a nose dive into the ground. It almost took Coytt out at one time. It was fun being out with the family though, and watching Josh try to fish in the wind. Coytt loved chasing the ball all over, and I didn't even have to throw it because the wind just blew it all over the grass.
I'm loving Coytt's hair cut. You need to send him to spend another week at grandmas!
Monette! Oh my gosh! I didn't have a clue that you were married & had a kid & another on the way. That's awesome! I stumbled on your blog from Julie's. I'm glad things are going so well for you. Take care!
Nicole (Baca) Johnson
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