Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Mark's Fours

You know the drill. Copy, fill in your answers and tag 4 friends.

4 jobs I've had
1. Remote Operations at Intel
2. USAF F-16 Crew Chief
3. Architect Apprentice
4. YMCA Child Counselor

4 Movies I can watch over and over
1. Gladiator
2. Star Wars (all of them)
3. 2001 Space Odysey
4. Catch 22

4 Places I have lived
1. Big Spring, TX
2. Dallas, TX
3. Las Vegas, NV
4. Gilbert, AZ

4 Guilty Pleasures
1. Chocolate
2. TV
3. Spending money
4. Internet

4 TV shows I watch
1. UFC
2. World News
3. Lost
4. Heroes

4 Places I have been on vacation
1. Cancun
2. California
3. Miami Florida
4. Boston

4 Favorite Foods
1. Chocolate
2. Mac-n-Cheese
3. Cookies and Milk
4. Steak Fajitas

4 websites I visit
1. craigslist
2. ebaumsworld
3. abovetopsecret.com
4. msdewey.com

4 Places I'd rather be right now
1. Flying
2. Skydiving
3. Mexico
4. Outerspace

4 people I'm tagging
1. Everyone's
2. already
3. been
4. tagged

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