Wednesday, December 12, 2007
So Beautiful It Made Me Cry
My Aunt sent me this link and I thought I would share it with everyone. This is the time of year when we reflect on our Savior's birth, and I have always loved the song "Mary Did You Know?" I love the pictures they put with the song. I am so grateful for this season and this time of year. I am grateful for a kind and loving Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus Christ. I have really worked this year on strengthening my relationship with both of them and I can truly say that I know I am a child of God and that Christ is His Son. I know without a doubt in my mind that he lived on this earth and is an example unto us of what we should strive to become. I am so grateful for His love and sacrifice. I can't comprehend what he felt in the Garden of Gethsemene or the pains he bore, but I can feel his loving arms wrapped around me when I am feeling alone, lost, or troubled. I hope I can teach my children to love and appreciate what Christ did for us. He gave his life that we might live, and that is the true Spirit of Christmas.
Monday, December 10, 2007
I love this show!

Very rarely do I find a show lately that I really truly like to watch, most of the time I watch whatever is on, but this show is absolutely great. It has it all, Humor, a Love story, Death, Conspiracy, and a good moral to be found in each episode. The main character is absolutely adorable, he isn't hunky hot like Cameron Mathison (dancing with the stars and all my children), he is adorably cute and innocent. He plays the character so well. All the actors are great actually. IF you don't know what show I am talking about it is the one with the pie maker that brings people back to life with his touch and solves their death to collect a reward, but that really isn't what the whole show is about, it has an underlying love story/triangle, but since the person he is in love with died and he touched her to bring her back, if he touches her again she will die for good this makes for a very clean show. I especially love the way it is narrated and the colors. It is just all around great. Watch it and tell me what you think.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
Such a Big Boy!
Coytt reached so many milestones in November I thought I would just make a list of all the fun new things he learned how to do
1. Drink out of a big boy cup
2. Open his bedroom door
3. Turn on his bedroom light
(those last two make bedtime interesting)
4. Finally call me mom and Mark dad (he used to call us Mark and Monette)
5. Put his coat on by himself
6. Sit still and listen to a whole story
7. Talk on the phone with Grandma
8. Eat oatmeal without making a huge mess
9. Say his prayers (he actually gets really excited and runs to his bed at night and kneels by his bed)
10. Sort his bath toys
We love you Coytt and are so proud of all you do and all you are learning. You bring such joy into our lives and we are so lucky that Heavenly Father blessed our home with your special Spirit.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Romine Reunion 2007
This weekend was so much fun! We went to Las Vegas for the Romine Reunion. That is my mom's side of the family. I had not met a lot of my cousin's children and it was fun to finally see all of them. Our Great Grandma Mary Jolley was there and it was amazing at how alert she is for being 102 years old. She will be 103 in May and I couldn't believe that she could sit and talk with us, of course we had to get close and talk loud, but she could still hold a conversation. The funniest thing was when she was watching the Macy's Thanksgiving parade and Rascal Flatts was performing. She looked at the TV and said, "Now why does he have his hair all spiked up like that, why would he want to look like that?" First I couldn't believe she could see the TV without glasses, and second her voice was so cute when she said it. She loved seeing all her great-great grandchildren running around and playing. We took some 5 generation pictures with her, grandma Romine, my mom, me, and Coytt and Dalon. We also had fun playing Jake and Mallory's Rock Band game. I think my mom has found a new hobby! I can definately see many lost hours caught up in that game if we were to own one. THanks Mal and Jake for the fun, maybe we will come visit you and have a rock off :) I also learned a lot about our family this year. I had no idea Justin enjoyed getting up at 3am the day after Thanksgiving and doing the shopping thing with his wife, I didn't know Jake played the drums, that Michael was a die hard BYU fan (he stayed and watched the game by himself in his BYU gear while everyone else went out to do other things), I didn't know Shaina was going to school to teach autistic children, it was like everyday I learned something new about someone. IT was so much fun. I am especially close to this side of the family and it was nice to catch up with all my cousins and see their children. It was nice to resume my spot on my Aunt Lorie and Uncle John's couch (I used to crash there all the time when I needed somewhere to stay), it was great to see my Grandpa Romine, although we didn't get to visit much it meant a lot to me to just see him. I have always been close to my grandpa and he knows that he is my #1. I wish I was able to see him more, and hopefully we can go to Vegas more often now that I am not pregnant.
My Camera is broken and will only take video so all I have are some short videos. I hope you enjoy our singing and musical skills. All I can say is top this Osmonds :) Actually you may want to turn your volume down and just watch my mom bounce up and down as she plays the bass.
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Romine Reunion
Add to My Profile | More VideosRomine Reunion
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I will post pictures as soon as everyon email them to me.
My Camera is broken and will only take video so all I have are some short videos. I hope you enjoy our singing and musical skills. All I can say is top this Osmonds :) Actually you may want to turn your volume down and just watch my mom bounce up and down as she plays the bass.
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Romine Reunion
Add to My Profile | More VideosRomine Reunion
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I will post pictures as soon as everyon email them to me.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
I found this interesting since I have lived in both Dallas and Charleston most recently, and that Phoenix is not on the list, I wonder what a western accent is like.
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Midland "You have a Midland accent" is just another way of saying "you don't have an accent." You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri) but then for all we know you could be from Florida or Charleston or one of those big southern cities like Atlanta or Dallas. You have a good voice for TV and radio. | |
The West | |
Boston | |
North Central | |
The Inland North | |
The Northeast | |
Philadelphia | |
The South | |
What American accent do you have? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Life at home (and new pics of Dalon)
Well since blogging is like journaling, I thought I would record what my day to day life is like. I just started watching Josh and Meagan's twin nieces so life here is pretty busy and with 3 two year olds and a newborn I am learning the importance of a schedule and a routine. Here is a peek of that schedule/routine:
6am- Mark's alarm goes off, I feed Dalon
6:30am- 15 mins. of snuggle/talk time with Mark
6:45- I get up and fix Mark's breakfast and lunch
7am- back to bed until Coytt wakes up unless he is already awake
8am- breakfast with Coytt, Kaelsy, Sienna, Elmo, Big Bird, and Cookie Monster
8:30- feed Dalon, clean up ginormous mess from the two year olds (I find food in places you wouldn't believe.)
8:45- Vow to make the kids eat neater or make them clean their own mess
8:46- realize it is harder to make them clean their mess than to just do it myself
9:00am- outside time for the kids, scripture reading for me, nap for Dalon
9:30- "Go Diego Go" (I have every episode memorized, but the kids love it)
10am- upstairs playtime for the kids, workout time for me (ok so I dance around while I sweep the floor and do situps while the kids jump on me,or run up and down the stairs 20 times to keep their busy bodies out of trouble) but I like to call it a workout)
11am-feed Dalon
11:30-Dance time with the kids )Kaelsy and Coytt love this time Sienna usually seeing that we are distracted finds a cupboard to empty, but eventually I get her to join us.
12:00pm- LUNCH! I try to keep it healthy and a daily variety for the kids (which roughly translates to tuna or hotdogs in the mac and cheese or swappping out different jellies or jams on the PBJ), although they did enjoy the flax seed in the pancakes this morning, and it's a smoothie or sandwich for me
12:30- baths if I said I find food in unbelievable places if no baths Yo Gabba Gabba and sit down time
1:00pm- nap time
2:00pm every one finally stays in their bed and I get alone time (I usually either clean, shower, blog, eat ice cream, or nap myself durint this time)
3-4pm- Kids wake up and get a snack, I feed Dalon
4-5pm- If I am alive I clean what I can and outside they go
5:00pm Clean up Kaelsy and Sienna, cool down time with Looney Toons, I start Dinner
5:30- Kaelsy and Sienna go home, I finish Dinner
That is it for the routine, the rest of they day depends on Mark and whatever chores I have left or if I have errands to run. In a couple of weeks I will be taking on 4 afterschool kids from 3pm-6:30 or so. That should make things interesting, but hey it keeps me busy and in shape. I don't know where all my energy is coming from, but so far I am keeping up with these little ones. Coytt loves having playmates, and the girls seem to be enjoying my house. Today I had to give the girls a bath after their lunch and I did their hair in little ponytials. They looked so cute. I looked at them and said "so pretty" and they touched their pony tails. Thay did it everytime I said it so I took a video of it because I though it was so funny. Coytt has really seemed to take a liking to Kaelsy. They dance together, and I caught him holding her hand and giving her kisses yesterday, and today when he woke up from his nap he went and laid down by the door where she sleeps and looked at me and said "where did she go" he was just laying there waiting for her to wake up.
We will see how long I can keep up with all of them, but for now I hope it keeps me in shape and energized.
Check out this video: so pretty
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Fun with Grandma and Grandpa Tatom
He is handsome isn't he?
at the fish hatchery
One of these things is not like the other ones...
Uncle Billy and Irena
Well I know it has been a long time, but I finally have some time to post. Mark's family was here the 10th-15th and we had such a good time with them here. Mark, Coytt, Uncle Billy, Grandpa and Billy's girlfriend Irena went to the D-Backs game and an ASU game. I enjoyed visiting with Mark's mom and Grandma, and getting to know Irena. Coytt loved having company and people to play with him. My camera was out of batteries so I have the pictures Mark's parents took. They both are enjoying photography, and so we went up to Payson where they could take some pictures of the scenery there, I posted some of my favorites. We really had a good time playing games, eating, laughing, eating some more, and just being with eachother. Mark's dad thought it would be funny to get Coytt to say Grandma and was teasing Barbara about being a "Grandma" so Grandma Donna thought she would teach Coytt to call Corby "Pappy". Well Coytt tried his best to say "Pappy" but it kept coming out "peepee" so of course we all got a good laugh and Coytt thinking he was cute and funny kept pointing at Corby saying "peepee peepee" with a big smile on his face. We can't wait to see them again it was so much fun having them here.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
My Werewolf
OK, so I have been sucked into the world of Stephenie Meyer and the Twilight series. And yes just like everyone says they are addicting. I feel like such a horrible wife and mother, my house has been neglected, Coytt has been watching way too much TV, and even while I feed Dalon I can't put them down. I am a slow reader so it takes me awhile to finish one, but they are still hard to put down. I just finished New Moon and am a little way into Eclipse. Now last night at around 11:45pm as I was still up reading I had an epiphany. See I found myself rooting for Jacob over Edward throughout the whole book. Actually I have been having a hard time even picturing Edward in my mind or even liking him throughout the books. Anyway I found myself wanting Bella to fall for Jacob and forget about Edward. I know they love each other, and it is a deep love, but I just couldn't picture Edward being better than Jacob. So as I pondered this and finally finished New Moon and put Eclipse down, I went to do the one thing that truly comforts me and helps me sleep. I snuggled up next to my husband whose body heat is always so warm I hardly need blankets at night. He is so warm it soothes my aching muscles and I never need a heating pad. Anyway, that is when it hit me. I like Jacob because I married a werewolf and not a vampire. Ok to those of you who haven't read the books this means nothing to you, and I am sorry for the freakish post. Anyway, as I thought about why it is so easy to like Jacob better than Edward it is becuase it has been hard for me to picture an atractive pale guy with light eyes and bronze hair. But when it comes to dark skin, hair, and eyes I am tongue tied. And Edward's cold dead body ewwww I don't care how buff he is. I'm not saying I married a monster (for those of you who are completely confused) I am just saying that as far as my "type" I prefer werewolf to vampire. So this morning I told Mark he was my werewolf and he just looked at me like I was crazy...I wonder why? I am wondering if anyone else has done this. Rooted for the guy they "married" or have always been more atracted too, not just because Edward is the hero or Romeo, but because they truly can see themselves falling for him.
I know weird post, but hopefully you have read the books and understand my weirdness.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
It's a BOY!
Check out this video: Dalon and Coytt
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Friday, September 21, 2007
My Sneaky Sister
Last night Meagan and Josh invited us over for "Dessert and Games". She told me it was just a little family thing to hang out before I had the baby. Well luckily I actually got dressed and did my hair when we went over becuase it was not just dessert and games like she said, it was a surprise Diaper Shower for Mark and I. We were both pretty surprised. Thank you Josh and Meagan! Meagan had made my favorite things, a cheese ball and grape kool-aid, and some delicious brownies. We got lots of diapers for both Dalon and Coytt, thanks everyone who came. Meagan sure got me this time, I had no idea, but I love surprises so it was that much better and more fun for me. Now all we have to left to do is wait for baby Dalon to finally get here.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Fun Times
Last Saturday was a fun day for me. First I cashed in on the massage my wonderful mother-in-law got me for my birthday. Oh it was wonderful. I fell asleep twice during it, and really didn't want my hour to end. It was so nice to have all my muscle aches rubbed out and to be in such a peaceful room. I think I need to get a fountain for our bedroom they are so relaxing. After the massage Mark and I cleaned the house and got ready for the D-Backs Game. My dad got 9 tickets from his work and was kind enough to send his kids and their spouses and friends. It was an awesome game. We played the SL Cardnials it was a good game and we won. Not only did we enjoy free tickets we got a shirt, hot dog, popcorn, and a drink...thanks SRP :) It was so fun to see all the people from St. Johns and to hang out with family at one of America's greatest traditions Baseball and Hot Dogs, it doesn't get more American than that. Thanks Mom for watching the kids (Coytt and Brooklyn) while we went. We also stayed for the fireworks after the game, it was a pretty good show. All in all it was a very much needed day of fun and relaxation.
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Mess Maker Mess Maker Make me a Mess!!!
This is why one of his nicknames is Destroyer. He can walk into a room and seconds later it is a mess. Considering the fact my nickname at that age was The Tazmaninan Devil (for pretty much the same reason) I guess I can't be too upset. "He gets it from his Mama!" Hopefully since Mark is the complete opposite Coytt will learn from him how to keep things in order as he gets older, because we all know that is a lifetime battle for me. But hey, at least I get some cute pictures out of it right?
New Hair Cut
Monday, August 27, 2007
Coytt and his helmets
Coytt has these two army helmets that he just loves to wear. As you can see from the pictures he wears them anywhere, even sleeps in them. He actually just loves to have a hat on lately it is the helmet but other times it is a baseball cap. He even tries to wear them to church, that is the only place we won't let him, but everywhere else he has something on that curly little head of his.
Brooklyn comes to visit
Meagan had to go to the Dr. last week so she brought Brookie over for a little while. Coytt has finally learned to play with her and not try to wrestle her to the ground. They had a lot of fun together. We went upstairs so they could play with the toys in his room, and while I was switching out the laundry I heard them laughing in his room. I went to see what was so funny and I caught both of them jumping on his bed. I couldn't get any video of them jumping on the bed, but I got some of Brooklyn climbing and Coytt saying Brooklynn. Here are the videos and pictures from the day.
Check out this video: Brooklyn
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Check out this video: brooklynn2
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Check out this video: Brooklyn
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Check out this video: brooklynn2
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Thursday, August 16, 2007
My Man
My Man
1. Who is your man? Mark
2. How long have you been together? Almost 6 years
3. Dating/Engaged/Married? Just passed the 5 year mark of marriage
4. How old is your man? 33
You or your man?
1. Who eats more? I do
2. Who said "I love you" first? I think we both just said it at the same time, I am not really sure actually
3. Who weighs more? I do, but the fact that I am 8 months prego hopefully has something to do with that.
4. Who sings better? Sing? We can't sing, I am louder, but he is better.
5. Who's Older? Mark
6. Who's smarter? Depends on the subject
7. Who's temper is worse? Mark
8. Who does the laundry? Mark mostly, but I am slowly catching up
9. Who does the dishes? It is about even, he is a great help around the house
10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Mark, I used to until I got to fat to lay on my left side and not have room to hang off the side of the bed.
11. Who's feet are bigger? We wear the same size shoe
12. Who's hair is longer? Mine
13. Who's better with the computer? I am better with software, Mark with hardware
14. Who mows the lawn? we don't have one
15. Who pays the bills? Me
16. Who cooks dinner? It is pretty even, Mark is a great cook especially his Carne Asada and corn and rice, and chicken, and well just everything he makes is wonderful
17. Who drives when you are together? Mark unless we are on a long trip and then we take turns
18. Who pays when you go out to dinner? Mark, but it is the same account so I guess both of us, we just use his card.
19. Who's the most stubborn? Of course it is me, but he is pretty darn close
20. Who is the first one to admit when they're wrong? I am
21. Who's parents do you see more? Mine, we wish we could see both more often though
22. Who named your dog? When we had one I did, but we don't have one
23. Who kissed who first? He told me he wasn't going to kiss me until I told him I was ready, and so I just layed one on him!
24. Who asked who out? Mark asked me to marry him the first night we met, but we decided to date a little while first
25. What did you do? We wen out to dinner at a Mexican Restaurant, Mark laughed at me becuase I couldn't walk in high heels (I was trying so hard to impress him)
26. Who's more sensitive? I definately am
27. Who's taller? Mark
28. Who has more friends? we both have the same amount
29. Who has more siblings? Definately me
30. Who wears the pants in the relationship? I let Mark borrow them :) haha Mark of course wears them, but I pretend I am the boss.
1. Who is your man? Mark
2. How long have you been together? Almost 6 years
3. Dating/Engaged/Married? Just passed the 5 year mark of marriage
4. How old is your man? 33
You or your man?
1. Who eats more? I do
2. Who said "I love you" first? I think we both just said it at the same time, I am not really sure actually
3. Who weighs more? I do, but the fact that I am 8 months prego hopefully has something to do with that.
4. Who sings better? Sing? We can't sing, I am louder, but he is better.
5. Who's Older? Mark
6. Who's smarter? Depends on the subject
7. Who's temper is worse? Mark
8. Who does the laundry? Mark mostly, but I am slowly catching up
9. Who does the dishes? It is about even, he is a great help around the house
10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Mark, I used to until I got to fat to lay on my left side and not have room to hang off the side of the bed.
11. Who's feet are bigger? We wear the same size shoe
12. Who's hair is longer? Mine
13. Who's better with the computer? I am better with software, Mark with hardware
14. Who mows the lawn? we don't have one
15. Who pays the bills? Me
16. Who cooks dinner? It is pretty even, Mark is a great cook especially his Carne Asada and corn and rice, and chicken, and well just everything he makes is wonderful
17. Who drives when you are together? Mark unless we are on a long trip and then we take turns
18. Who pays when you go out to dinner? Mark, but it is the same account so I guess both of us, we just use his card.
19. Who's the most stubborn? Of course it is me, but he is pretty darn close
20. Who is the first one to admit when they're wrong? I am
21. Who's parents do you see more? Mine, we wish we could see both more often though
22. Who named your dog? When we had one I did, but we don't have one
23. Who kissed who first? He told me he wasn't going to kiss me until I told him I was ready, and so I just layed one on him!
24. Who asked who out? Mark asked me to marry him the first night we met, but we decided to date a little while first
25. What did you do? We wen out to dinner at a Mexican Restaurant, Mark laughed at me becuase I couldn't walk in high heels (I was trying so hard to impress him)
26. Who's more sensitive? I definately am
27. Who's taller? Mark
28. Who has more friends? we both have the same amount
29. Who has more siblings? Definately me
30. Who wears the pants in the relationship? I let Mark borrow them :) haha Mark of course wears them, but I pretend I am the boss.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Go Diego Go Live!
Last night we took Coytt to the live performance of Go Diego Go (Thank you Grandma Barbara!)at ASU Gammage Theater and he had the time of his life. I wasn't sure how he was going to react to the big stage and the loud music, and all of the people, but he loved it. I was worried about parking and didn't want to walk far so I made Mark get us there early, well we were the first family in the doors and Coytt walked right up to the greeters and held out his hand for the Baby Jaguar Masks he was so excited. He kept saying "Go Diego Go," and growling like Baby Jaguar. When we got inside the theater he just smiled and ran toward our seats. Then when the show started he just stared wide eyed at the stage and watched intently. At one point he was so caught up in the show his mouth was partway open and he was drooling all down himself. When they would sing songs and dance he would stand on Mark's lap and dance and wave his arms and clap along it was so darn cute! I of course being the emotional wreck that I am seeing how happy he was started crying before the show even got started, I felt like such a dork until this other mother told me she bawled all through the first part of the Wiggles because she was so happy for her little girl. So I guess I am not the only cry baby mommy out there. I cried again when I saw him dancing and singing along; I was just so darn happy :) Mark enjoyed the show and watching his son sing and dance along. We just had a great time! And first thing this morning Coytt walks in our room with his Jaguar mask saying "Go Diego Go" and growling. Even though it was only 6am it was so adorable to wake up to such a happy little boy.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Summer Fun
Well it has been a long time since I have posted any pictures so I have quite a bit to add. It has been quite an eventful Summer. Brent and Marti came to visit. We took Brent to the Science Museum and both of them to Gameworks. Marti and I baked my first homemade apple pie, sorry the picture is of it half eaten :) Coytt has learned to love the water and has become quite the fish. He loves to put on his swimming suit and go to the pool. We took Coytt to his first MLB game with Mark's childhood buddy Rickey GO D-BACKS!! And now we are just loving hanging out with eachother and visiting with family. I wish we were headed to SJ for the 24th but with all my contractions and stuff I am nervous of what the altitude change will do to me, so we will be staying home this year, but we hope everyone else that goes has fun.

Mark taught Brent how to make Texas Party Burgers. It was so cute watching them and listening to Mark explain every little step including washing hands and cleaning up the mess as you go.

Coytt loved the science museum and wanted to try everything and push all the buttons.

Future Pilot?

Mark taught Brent how to make Texas Party Burgers. It was so cute watching them and listening to Mark explain every little step including washing hands and cleaning up the mess as you go.

Coytt loved the science museum and wanted to try everything and push all the buttons.

Future Pilot?

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